Had a big sleep in this morning. Really needed it.
Pretty much had brekkie and then headed off. We're going to try and make it a little past Bourke depending on campsites. Bourkes about and hour and half away from Brewarrina.

Bourke is a tiny bit bigger then Brewarrina but kind of looks the same. More shops.
We picked up some groceries and supplies and then travelled on and found a place in the bush a few k's out of Bourke.
It was a fantastic spot. I think after Bourke we're getting into the real outback where the red dirt starts. No internet and mobile phone coverage here. It reminds us both of the Nullabor and going across WA.

Camping in North Bourke
I spent the time left in daylight looking for wood for a fire tonight, it just means that we can stay up longer, otherwise if there's no fire we have to go to bed as soon as night hits....I get restless if I go to bed too early. : )

Getting firewood
In the night
We put the fire on close to night time and spent the time talking, stew quizzed me on who wrote what song while he played them on guitar - McCartney or Lennon! I got most of them right. I made burritto's for dinner - bush style - I like to call them 'Aunty Snez's Bush Burritto's' - there were reports of some ill winds coming out of North Bourke that night....oohooh refried beans again tomorrow nig

nitey nite!
stew so thats how its done in the outback!! (top pic)...Snez did u cut ur hair?? Glad to hear u made it through Brewarrina. Enjoy the rest of the tour...while i get ready to pop...cya