Well we left from McKinlay (croc dundee pub) this morning and headed into Cloncurry. The petrol prices are very expensive and because our gig at the Winton RSL Club was cancelled, we're running a little short of money. I think we'll be right though.

When we arrived into Cloncurry we saw a second hand bookstore and we stocked up on a bunch of books. I found 'Robinson Crusoe', 'My Brilliant Career' and a philosophical book called 'The Problem of pain': I think that one is going to be a difficult and possibly boring read. Stew found something by Aussie writer Thomas Kennealy.
We did the laundry, stocked up on some groceries. The weather was beautiful and wrm. Stew asked the checkout girl in coles if the weather was normally this warm in winter and she said that this was "cold for Cloncurry!". They normally get up to 32 and 34 over winter. Bloody hell.
We pretty much spent most of the day in Cloncurry. In the arvo we headed out to our next camp site which was about 80 k's before Mt Isa, just by a beautiful creek ... and the gentle hum of road trains passing. It was the Burke and Will's Memorial site. So there were a lot of campers and travellers popping by to see this 'tourist attraction'. Although they were generally pretty dissappointed, because all it was is a plaque with a bit of writing. So they didn't stop for long. Maybe they thought it was the famous 'dig tree' where Bukre and Wills died :)

Bourke and wills memorial - Booooring!
That night my dad rang me on my mobile and announced that my older sister Suzi had given birth to a baby girl only an hour before he rang me. She lives in Singapore with her husband and my mum was over there just in time for the birth and to help her out. I rang Suzi to get the gossip and I said 'Mum must be excited' and she told me that mum has passed on the message of "Now it's your turn, when are you and Stewart having a baby?". Uh oh - the pressure's on!
7 August 2010
We decided to stay at the Burke and wills site for a while in the morning. It was really warm so we just read and let the sun soak in. Then we drove into Mt Isa. It's a healthy, thriving mining town which is pretty obvious when you drive in. The Mt Isa Rodeo was on this weekend, we couldn't afford to go because we're saving money for petrol. But we drove past the rodeo and heard some country music. Anyway, we're both not too keen to watch the cows and bulls being roped - and scared.

Coming into Mt Isa
We found a fantastic camping spot that afternoon only about 100k's from the Northern Territory border. A good spot off the road and in the bush. We spent the arvo reading. I had a song brewing in my head.

Suavo Stew - sexy Doing the dishes, not quite as sexy

Dancing on the van - "I'm King of the Van!"
A couple of days ago I saw an old man in a truck with a swaggie on the back pull up to camp in the bush. He had a dog in the back and I was really curious about him. I wondered what his story was...and then the song started to brew.
That night the melody and lyrics sort of melted together and we've got a song happening. Almost finished, but I'm just fine tuning it. I'll post it in my next blog for you guys to hear. So far the title is 'Red Dirt Wanderer'. Oh oh, I think I'm starting to write country music....can't help it.

Writing the song
Freddy's having a great time. As we headed to the toilets one of the fellow travellers offered freddy some left over casserole they didn't want to throw out. Freddy had a feast.

After the feast - Awww Cute
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