29th August 2010
Today we got up early because the Broome Courthouse markets were on. I wanted to find some local art and whatever else. I tried to get a gig here at the markets and the funny thing is there was no contact for these people. I rang just about everyone I could find and everyone said that there was no real number…. odd! The markets were great. I found some really nice stuff - even a new bikini for Cable Beach.
During all of this Stew and I were having a bit of a tiff and there was tension in the air the whole bloody day. Don’t ask me what about! I can’t remember myself so it couldn’t have been too important.
We spent the whole day on the gorgeous beach and then in the evening we went to the Roebuck Hotel - ‘The Roey’, which is a pub/live venue in Broome's Chinatown. It was actually the pub where they filmed the pub scenes for the ‘Bran Nu Dae’ movie.

The Roey - Broome
There was a festival over the weekend we were there so there was tons of music. It so happened that when we popped by, the Pigram Brothers were playing. That was a bonus. Jim (Shipstone) from back home told us when we get to Broome to check out The Pigrams…..and we accidentally did :) What a nice venue, I think the next time I come to Broome, I’ll try to get a gig here.
The Pigram’s music was very feel good. We got up to dance and then a guy named Zef, in a cowboy hat, tapped Stew on the shoulder, old fashioned style and asked Stew if he could have a dance with me: cute … haha, I’m talking about ballroom dancing style ...Well he was lucky I didn’t step on his feet … I’m a bit of a crazy dancer! We met Zef (short for Zephyr - like the wind!) at the Divers Tavern – where we played a few nights ago and he bought one of my CD's.
30th August 2010
The landscape is filled with ‘Boab’ trees, from way back in Timber Creek across to Broome. They are beautifully shaped trees with big egg type seeds hanging off them. Broome is filled with these trees. In the souvenir shops they take the eggs, sand them and then paint on them…they cost about $90 at the shops. I couldn’t bring myself to pay that much so I went on an expedition to find them on the trees on the road….So my eyes are peeled. They are tall trees so I have to climb on top of the van or stand on Stew's shoulders to get them.
By the end of the day, Stew and I had kissed and made up. The next day we spent another beautiful day at the beach. It seems that the weather here is constantly sunny. The way I like it!.
At sunset on Cable Beach everyone gathers on the beach to watch the sun go down over the water around 5.30 pm. It’s an amazing view. We decided to have a picnic dinner to watch the sunset. So we started with entre of cheese and crackers and wine and then had some take-away .
We ordered a hamburger with the lot but without the meat (got the usual roll of the eyes when we said "no meat please") and some chips. We finished off with a block of rocky road chocolate…yum…..I was so full and that night I had a bulimic episode and vomited ...yuk
31st August 2010
Spent all day at the beach. Apparently there was a crocodile at Cable Beach today! No one knows where it came from, Broome is too far east for crocs. They thuink the croc either swam a LONG way or someone put the croc in the water! ... what the ... ! Stew was in swimming at that time too. We wondered why they had evacuated the south end of the beach :)
My older sister Suzi sent through the pics of her new baby. They've named her Mia (i think i might have mentioned that).

Jovan, Mia, Suzi and my mum
1st September 2010
Today we spent the day on the beach and then headed over to Goolari Radio station, an Indigenous Radio station in Broome. We had an interview in the arvo. There were 3 announcers and me and Stew in the room, tight squeeze, but so much fun. They have a great setup there: television studios and recording studios too.
It was pretty relaxing. They asked all the usual questions and we had a bit of a joke around. They played four songs from the CD. To my surprise they played ‘Life is so Good’ and ‘Daddy’ back to back. I hoped they were going to play something light after that : ) They then asked which was my favourite songs and of course I answered with ‘Never Grow Old’ and then finished up with ‘Chasing Rainbows.
That night we went back to the beach for another sunset dinner, this time we ate something healthy and had cranberry juice instead. We had an early night at the rest area. We have a big driving session tomorrow. We need to get to Kununurra in 3 days for our next show.
We have really enjoyed Broome and hate to leave here. We've enjoyed ourselves so much ... it's a nice lifestyle. Stew says he wants to spend every winter now as a beach bum.
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