21st September 2010
We found out the reason that our gig was cancelled at Hermansberg with Lulo Reinhardt was because there was a state funeral on for a local elder and everyone was in mourning. It’s not a good time to visit Hermansberg. Scott (stews bro) told us to steer clear from that area.
Today we decided to get out of the house. We’re not used to this many luxuries; being in the van so long : ) So we're heading to a place called Simpsons Gap and Standley Chasm.
Simpsons Gap - 'The Thinker' in the red centre
They’re both national parks, but we took a chance and snuck in with Freddy. There are so many bloody rules when you get to tourist areas ...gives me the shits!
Because it’s been raining a fair bit these last couple of days some of the rivers and creeks have started to flow again and Simpsons Gap was filled up with water, so we couldn’t get to the other side.
We went to a didgeridoo show in town. Andrew, the owner of the the didge shop and the creator of the show had about 10 different types of didges, all in different keys with different tones. There was also a drummer and another guy that played drums and some very cool percussion.
At the end we all had a jam session. Stew got up with a couple of others and played the djembe (drum) and I played shaker and clap sticks. That was lot’s of fun. I felt like I haven’t performed in ages and I’m started to crave it : )
Stew on the djembe up the front
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