Hello again
Another big week. We’ve spent most of our time rehearsing for our big show at the Clarendon. With a trip over to Chris’s place (bass) to run through some songs we haven’t done together for a while….Also a jam with Lester who will be dropping by the Clarendon to do some didge on a few songs….Only 2 weeks to go till we play at the Clarendon and I’m looking forward to it.

Lindsay deep in thought!
Numbers are climbing for our show, but as per usual as an indie artist you have the pressure of filling up the room, so as not to embarrass yourself in front of the venue booker and venue as well the punch to the ego when you’re performing to 5 people. Oh well that’s the way of the indie world….You just gotta plug along, at the end of the day the reward is far greater as an indie artist then being a slave to the industry. So you just keep moving and remember to always have fun!
On other news, I took a drive to the Blackburn hotel in Katoomba to do a solo gig, with Stew in tow for moral support and also for his videography skills. It’s always a bit nerve racking turning up to a venue you haven’t played before, so I was a bit toey and then what do you know, bloody Lindsay turns up (our drummer) for added moral support, that just turned up my stress levels up a notch!!!!I was in fear of ruining my performance reputation with him, he's only seen me play with Stewart.... Though I did appreciate his support and wise words of wisdom.
Check out this little video of ‘You were loved’ that Stew took at the Blackburn. It may be a tiny bit blurry…will have to do something about that one day!
The Clarendon Guesthouse
02 47821322 or book here
Friday 25th Feb - 8 PM
Entry $20
See ya xxx

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