Hey peeps.
Only a couple of weeks before we head off on tour in June. I remember the weeks before we went off on our outback trip we were very stressed and I'm starting to feel that way again…I"ve got lots to do, lots of phone calls, solo gigs and family stuff to squeeze in before I go as well as editing Mr Moon, a community video for the Port Kembla Youth Project Harmony Day, organizing promotional material for my tour and bits and pieces….blooody hell. I feel overwhelmed as I type.
I am very excited to get on the road. The good thing about touring is I only have two main things to deal with 1. Do a fantastic show 2. Socialise with my audience…..because we don't have an office I can't really do much promo stuff or business stuff related to my music except for write up a blog and newsletter every now and then. I get to write songs, perform and do radio interviews and read lots and swim at the beach…it's fantastic. Mmmmm I can't wait. Freddy can smell that something is going on : )

What a cutie : )
Our first leg of the tour takes us through Newcastle, Maitland, Dorrigo, Grafton, Byron and Mullumbimby, then through Murwillumbah, Gold Coast and Brisbane. This will be 4 weeks worth of gigs with about 4 a week. It's going to be full on and I'm sure I'll get my chops together nice and strong. I was planning to do part of the show with Stewart and a section of it solo.
We're then going to take a couple of weeks break to head up to Cairns and the surrounding areas and possibly find a nice spot to stay for a while. We'll be heading into croc territory again : ) The only concern about the tour Stewart and I have are financial concerns. We had money set aside to pay for most of the petrol on our 3 month trip, but as time has passed, that money got used up to pay bills….in other words…we're broke. On this tour we have lots of great gigs comprised of cafes, markets, art galleries and house concerts, although these will be satisfying shows, most of the gigs we are doing for free and relying on CD sales and donations….every cent will be saved for petrol as we go along…so dependant on finances we could be stranded in Brisbane for a few weeks : )I have applied for a touring grant which I will find out about in mid may, so cross your fingers and your toes for me.
Nathan is still onboard to film the first couple of weeks of the tour, so I'm pretty pleased about this new addition to the touring family….eventually we'll probably add to that with a photography and hopefully the full band at certain gigs…that would be nice.
Stewart's new album is finally released titled 'Don't Fit Don't Care'. It is available to buy now for only $20 with postage...noice! Visit www.stewartpeters.com to hear some samples or email Stewart to buy a copy [email protected]
Unfortunately there will be no launch before we head off on tour, but maybe if we all send a mass email begging him to do a concert....he might respond to the masses.
My plans for my solo career are very BIG : ) I am planning to be professional enough to perform real concerts by the start of next year. So I'll be putting in the hard work this year. I've worked up a 40 minute set and so far it's going well, although I am very hard on myself. Occasionally Stewart can't help himself and he'll come along and play shaker or djembe with some of my songs, which I love. The duo re-united….nice : )
My plans for my solo career are very BIG : ) I am planning to be professional enough to perform real concerts by the start of next year. So I'll be putting in the hard work this year. I've worked up a 40 minute set and so far it's going well, although I am very hard on myself. Occasionally Stewart can't help himself and he'll come along and play shaker or djembe with some of my songs, which I love. The duo re-united….nice : )
Check out Part 2 of my video diary of recording demo's for my new album
Apart from that, some of my solo gigs coming up are
The Excelsior – Glebe – 19th May – 7.30PM – 45 minute set
Manhattan Lounge – Martin Place – 20th May – 8 PM – 40 minute set
The Excelsior – Glebe – 26th May – 8.30 PM – 45 minute set
Yokay smell ya later
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