Another gorgeous morning here in the Blue Mountains, when the weather is like this I feel so motivated : ) The last couple of weeks I've been visiting Stewart in the studio and working on new songs and re-working old ones. The style is moving to a place that I'm really happy with. A new album you ask? ... well I'm not rushing into another one.
I'd like you to hear a track called 'Useless'. A song that didn't make it on '8 Lives Left to Lose'. I often go through phases where I ask myself 'why am I doing this for?, pushing my music, performing and the music business...ME ME ME ME' it all seems so pointless and I lose my purpose for it all , considering we're all going to kark in the end...whats the point?. After ruminating in these dark thoughts one afternoon, I sat in the sunshine in a pool of un-motivation and wrote this song. The idea of being 'Useless' is a zen idea. Striving to be nothing and no-one...now there's a thought.
Useless by snez by snezmusic
This song needs to be re-worked I think. Stewart and I had a fight over it this morning. He thinks it's too fast and the intention is not right.....What would he know!
I've also been reading a lot of information from an animal activism website called 'Peta' (People for the ethical treatment of animals) and I wanted to share this video with you.
Some gigs you might be interested
Manly Space Bar - Tuesday 25th Sept (solo) FREE
Katoomba RSL Club - Thursday 27th Sept (solo) FREE
Dogtober Fundraiser at Martin Place - Friday 5th Oct (solo) FREE
ok smell ya later
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