Wednesday, December 21, 2016

SNEZ E-News and Updates - Merry Christmas

Birthday girl
  Hey folks, it's that time of the year, only a few days until Christmas. I'm pretty excited. I'm more excited because Ellie is at an age where she can really enjoy some of the special traditions. Ellie turned 2 on the 1st of December, where did the time go! My weeks have been spent rehearsing my solo shows for some cool concerts in Tasmania in January 2017.

Tour plans are underway and I'm pleased to announced a short tour to Victoria in April next year and a 4 month tour from mid July taking me through the North Coast of NSW, QLD and parts of the NT and WA....I can't's been so long. Stewart will be accompanying me on this trip, but not sure if we will be able to play as a duo ...Someones gotta mind Ellie. Aaah there will come a time where she can just sit on the side of the stage! I'm still looking for house concert venues for Victoria as well as the North East Coast, so please email me if you've got any leads.

Stew, Ellie and I participated in 'Free the refugees'
marches around Newcastle, Sydney and QLD
 In other news: Stew, Ellie and I will be heading over to my parents motherland - Macedonia in June next year. Plans are underway for a music clip to a traditional Macedonian folk ballad I have been singing in my solo sets, while we're over there. Who knows what else is in store for the year...I'm already tired just thinking about it all.

I'll leave you with a you tube clip of a song I did at Humph Hall this year, whilst on tour. Have a wonderful Christmas break. If you're stuck for pressies, consider buying a SNEZ album. Just go to the 'Shop' page.

Upcoming Shows
Sun 1 January - The Blue Diamond, Kiama NSW
Sat 7 January - Brookfield Shed, Margate TAS
Sat 14 January - Marakoopa Cafe, Mayberry TAS
** with Miriam Lieberman and Nice Verdes
Sat 21 January - The Lookout, Katoomba NSW
Sun 22 January - Little Blowhole Art Cafe Kiama NSW

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